Burn the midnight oil and work overtime to catch up on the s

Writer:Hua Chuang Li Click: Time:2021-08-15 16:24

Burn the midnight oil and work overtime to catch up on the schedule

    With the continuous expansion of the company's business and increasing orders, the company is faced with the problem of "heavy task and tight time". In order to ensure the delivery schedule of products, the workshop staff spare no effort and work day and night. The finance department, material Department, sales department, administration Department and other departments vigorously cooperate with the workshop work and actively join the production line.

    In order to speed up the production schedule, the company's employees under the leadership of the leadership, carry forward the "white plus black" spirit of hard work, hard work during the day, overtime work at night, overcome various difficulties, overcome a variety of adverse factors, actively promote the production schedule. While speeding up the schedule of the construction period, we always put production safety and quality in the first place to ensure that the production schedule is promoted safely and quickly.

    The employees work hard to fulfill their commitments with customers and devote themselves to their work. Car staff raced against time, carefully packed, hands up and down, dexterously put the battery into the packaging box; At the same time, strict quality control, strict implementation of technological procedures, improve product delivery pass rate. The whole production site presented a school of heat, tension and orderly scene.

Frontline staff are a beautiful sight. Here, let's pay tribute to the employees who are working hard on the job!