Party members of the third branch of the provincial Federati

Writer:Hua Chuang Li Click: Time:2021-08-15 16:24

Party members of the third branch of the provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce visit The New energy project in Battway

On November 7, Li Qinghua, vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Party group of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, led the third branch of the provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce to visit Pingxiang to carry out the party member activity day, and walked into the key project of Qingshan Town, Jiangxi Batway New Energy Co., LTD. Hu Fang, vice chairman of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, Li Zengyi, deputy secretary of the District Committee, Li Suying, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and minister of the United Front, and Yang Shu, secretary of the Party Committee of the town, accompanied the city, district and town leaders.

Li Qinghua and his delegation walked into the batterway digital power lithium ion battery project workshop and listened to the introduction of the project and product, and the production process of the enterprise leader. Walked into the exhibition hall and checked the exhibits of lithium ion batteries. Entered the party member activity room, looked at the system slogan and the party member study discussion exchange place, turned over the red books on the shelf.

Li Qinghua and his delegation believed that qingshan Town's practice of setting up a Party branch, setting up a party member activity room and planting the Party flag on the project in Jiangxi Badway New Energy Co., Ltd. is worth learning from. They appreciated the enterprise's purpose of "listening to the party and following the Party". Emphasize at the same time, the enterprise should lead through the party building, give full play to the party member in the work of the vanguard model lead role.